Thursday, September 27, 2007

Bloor Line, loose.

Black woman, late 40s, with long red cornrows pulled back into a high bun, wearing a pink tank top, red and white patterned long skirt, sparkly sandals, and a long gold chain with a cluster of charms weighting the bottom. She peers out over bifocals, looking more at ease in early morning rush hour than those still at home in bed.

Light a Penny Candle, Maeve Binchy (Arrow)

Page 115:

Magnificent, like the leader of a procession, she marched in front of them back to the town and into the square, while Elizabeth and Donal followed. Donal's face was wrapped up again in the scarf so no one else would see the giggles, and Elizabeth had one hand over her face. The other was holding Donal's hand.

The wedding went off with barely a hitch, her youngest married into a kind family, his well-intentioned laundry piles now someone else's problem.


CQ said...

Laugh - maybe not - out loud. I'd been reading 'A Shilling for Candles' by Josephine Tey. Though it was part of a omnibus edition titled 4 5 & 6.

Charley Take a Bow said...

Very nice bloog you have here