Monday, March 17, 2008

Bloor Line, growing out.

South Asian woman, mid 20s, shoulder-length black hair with brown streaks, parted down the middle. Wearing black winter jacket, and blue turtleneck collar. She cradles one purse on her lap, a second purse between her feet.

Now You See Her, Linda Howard (Pocket)

Page 55:

She tried to do some more sketches, but couldn’t concentrate. Television held no appeal, but finally she settled down with a book, wrapped up in a blanket, and managed to get in a good hour of reading before she became so sleepy her head kept drooping. It was only nine o’clock, but Sweeny figured if she was that sleepy then she needed to be in bed.
In her cozy and affordable basement apartment, she spends most of her time in bed, reading, writing, flipping through fashion magazines for suggestions on how to stretch a meal or maybe a good tip for shinier hair using aging produce. It was quite by accident that she learned that sleeping with the fleece under her comforter is the difference between needing to keep the oven on all night or just until she can't keep her eyes open any longer. That lightened her step.

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