Monday, September 24, 2007

Spadina streetcar, jockeying his gym bag up the aisle.

Middle Eastern male, mid 20s, on his way to 7 feet tall, with short dark hair, pointed nose and deep set eyes, wearing dark blue jeans and powder blue dress shirt, undone one button, pulling tight against his broad shoulders and pronounced chest.

The Ecology of Commerce, Paul Hawken (HarperCollins)

Page 2:

As long as we continue to ignore the evolutionary thrust and potential of the existing economy, the world of commerce will continue to be in a state of disorder and constant restructuring. This is not because the worldwide recession has been so deep and long, but because there is a widening gap between the rapid rate at which society and the natural world are decaying and the agonizingly slow rate at which business is effecting any truly fundamental change.

Next semester, he'll go to London to take his Master's. Arriving home, he'll relocate to Halifax where his father and brother will show him his office, take him to dinner, too many bottles and the promise of a successful future. For now, though, all he can think about is the choke in his throat, the last kiss placed by his girlfriend on early morning unshowered skin before she left, her answer final.

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